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2 captures
18 Aug 2016 - 24 Dec 2016
About this capture

Language / Jazyk

Czech/�esky English/Anglicky

Clenstvi a predplatne

Varianty a ceny clenstvi v klubu
Pro bankovni informace kliknete tady.


  • Standardni clen $30
  • Rodinne clenstvi (standardni) $40
  • Senior clen (duchodce/nezamestnany) $10
  • Senior rodinne clenstvi (duchodci/nezamestnani) $20
  • Individual/families in financial difficulties free

  • Membership is annual, valid from 1st January until 31st December.

Druhy clenstvi (v originale anglicky podle stanov klubu)

    a) Ordinary members Any Czech or Slovak or person of Czech or Slovak or any person related to a person of Czech and Slovak decent shall be eligible to become an ordinary member

    b) Family members (Husband and Wife) Husband and wife, complying with the subsection a) above, living in one household, and their school-aged children who should pay a subscription at a rate one and half times that fixed for an ordinary member.

    c) Honorary members Any person irrespective of his/her descent and residence who was given the Club of the Czech or Slovak cause specially meritious service shall be eligible for election as an honorary member.

    d) Supporting members Any person or organisation who is in orally or materially contributing to the growth of the Club is eligible for election as a supporting member


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